Alison Ooi

Alison Ooi

Alison Ooi

From being doubted after high school to graduating with a full scholarship from Sunway University, my journey is a testament to how far belief, support, and resilience can take you. With my sister’s unwavering encouragement and the guidance of inspiring Sunwayians, I found not just a path in the Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Marketing, but a future I once thought impossible. To anyone who's ever been told 'you can't',  prove them wrong. 

Memories do not always soften with time: some grow like knives - memories of me graduating high school with terrible grades, my teachers looking down on me, and my friends criticising me. I still vividly remember all the comments, hate and the “you would not be able to be what you want to be”. Honestly, it has never been easier for my family and I, especially for my sister who has supported us financially as a fresh graduate since 2015. Besides all the financial support, she has supported me throughout my life mentally as well; she is the best sister ever! From time to time, I have had thoughts of just passing SPM and helping out my family as opposed to furthering my studies to reduce the financial stress and burden on my family. Nevertheless, my sister did not give up on me and encouraged me to do my best, to move forward and be better even though I had such poor grades. By the grace of God, I have come this far today, coming from a single-parent family with three siblings, and ending up graduating from Sunway University with a full four-years scholarship, the Jeffrey Cheah Foundation Community Scholarship. 

Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined that knowing the existence of this scholarship through an Open Day visit would alter and impact my life so heavily. Realistically, it has been mind-boggling how a campus could be so convenient, comfortable and stress-free. My overall experience in obtaining a scholarship was so hassle-free, from submitting the application for my scholarship until the acceptance of it, going into class with anticipation, and progressing to degree. This journey would have never been easier without the guidance of all the Sunwayians, especially the academic staff and counsellors. During any obstacles or challenges I faced, they would be there to back me up - not to mention the lecturers did a huge part by not giving up on me to bring the best out of me, make me outdo myself, and become who I am today. Special thanks to Ms. Annie, Mr. Charles, Mr. Gobindran, and Dr. Izian for your guidance throughout my journey in Sunway University.

Alongside this, I have experienced an exciting university life by joining all sorts of clubs and societies internally and externally, especially the Sunway Student Ambassador (SSA), the Sunway Ambassador Leadership Trek (SALT) and the Leo Club International. These clubs and societies have brought the most out of me, by giving me a chance to develop soft skills and to meet people from different programmes. Apart from the fact that this experience gave me a variety of exposure, it also helped me to decide well enough what are my strengths and weaknesses until I figured out what path I wanted to take for the future, which is the Marketing field. It has impacted me a lot from obtaining my first job in Public Bank to the present day, where I am working with Sunway Group. It has been a life-changing experience for me, knowing that even with a degree it is tough to hunt for a job we desire, let alone without holding a degree. I end my story here with a quote from Malcolm X: “Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today, therefore, to go further, to be better, education and learning have to be continued.”  Thank you for reading #MySunwayStory.

Alison Ooi
Bachelors of Science (Hons) in Marketing
Jeffrey Cheah Foundation Community Scholarship