Study Loan

Perbadanan Tabung Pendidikan Tinggi Nasional Loan (PTPTN)

The PTPTN Education Loan Scheme was created for the purpose of providing educational loans to students studying at local Higher Education Institutions. This education loan will allow students to pay in full or part of the tuition fees as well as the cost of living throughout the study period. At the same time, it opens up more opportunities for all students to pursue higher education.

Sunway University

Degree Programmes

  • American Degree Transfer Programme (Arts)
  • American Degree Transfer Programme (Science/Engineering)
  • BA (Hons) in Communication
  • Bachelor (Honours) in Finance
  • Bachelor in Digital Communication (Advertising) with Honors
  • Bachelor in Digital Media Design with Honors
  • Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Contemporary Music (Audio Technology)
  • Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Design Communication
  • Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Digital Film Production
  • Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Entrepreneurship
  • Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Advertising and Branding
  • Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Interior Architecture
  • Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Theatre Production
  • Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Music Performance
  • Bachelor of Arts in Psychology (Honors)
  • Bachelor of Business Analytics (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Honours
  • Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours
  • Bachelor of Electronic and Electrical Engineering with Honours
  • Bachelor of Information Systems (Honours) in Mobile Computing
  • Bachelor of Information Systems (Honours)(Data Analytics)
  • Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours
  • Bachelor of Mechatronic Engineering (Robotics) with Honours
  • Bachelor of Nursing (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Science (Honors) Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence)
  • Bachelor of Science (Honours) Biomedicine
  • Bachelor of Science (Honours) Financial Analysis
  • Bachelor of Science (Honours) Financial Economics
  • Bachelor of Science (Honours) Global Supply Chain Management
  • Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Accounting and Finance
  • Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Business Management
  • Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Business Studies
  • Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Computer Science
  • Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Conventions and Events Management
  • Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Information Technology
  • Bachelor of Science (Honours) in International Business
  • Bachelor of Science (Honours) in International Hospitality Management
  • Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Psychology
  • Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Statistical Data Modelling
  • Bachelor of Science (Honours) Marketing
  • Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Actuarial Studies
  • Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Culinary Management
  • Bachelor of Software Engineering (Hons)
  • BSc (Hons) Biology with Psychology
  • BSc (Hons) Information Technology (Computer Networking and Security)
  • BSc (Hons) Medical Biotechnology
  • Doctor of Medicine (MD)

Diploma Programmes

  • Diploma in Culinary Arts
  • Diploma in Events Management
  • Diploma in Graphic and Multimedia Design
  • Diploma in Hotel Management
  • Diploma in Interior Design
  • Diploma in Nursing
  • Diploma in Performing Arts

Sunway College (KL)

Degree Programme (In Collaboration with Victoria University)

  • Bachelor of Business 3+0

Diploma Programmes

  • Diploma in Accounting
  • Diploma in Business Administration
  • Diploma in Communication
  • Diploma in Computer Science
  • Diploma in Digital Creative Content
  • Diploma in Fashion Design Technology
  • Diploma in Fashion Media
  • Diploma in Finance
  • Diploma in Information Technology
  • Diploma in Interactive New Media


  1. Malaysian citizen.
  2. Aged not more than 45 years on the date of application.
  3. The monthly (gross) income of parents or guardians does not exceed RM50,000 (after 
    deducting RM250 per dependent).
  4. Obtain the letter of offer from Sunway University/Sunway College by fulfilling the entry eligibility requirements set by the Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia (MOHE) and the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA).
  5. Attend a course that is approved by MOHE and registered with PTPTN.
  6. The remaining period of study at the time of application must not be less than 1 (one) semester.
  7. Has opened a SSPN-i / SSPN-i Plus account and a CIMB account.

The loan amount level is determined based on the eligibility below:

Categories Entitlement
Sumbangan Tunai Rahmah (STR) 
Student or parent/guardian must be recipient of the STR
Maximum loan amount
Monthly household income does not exceed RM8,000 75% of the maximum loan amount
Monthly household income exceeds RM8,000 50% of the maximum loan amount


General Guide (Full-Time Programmes)

Education Level Total Loan Amount (Per Year)
Maximum (RM) 75% (RM) 50% (RM)
Diploma 6,800 5,100 3,400
Diploma (Health Sciences) 12,750 9,560 6,380
Bachelor Degree (Arts) 13,600 10,200 6,800
Bachelor Degree (Sciences) 14,030 10,520 7,010
Bachelor Degree (Health Sciences) 17,000 12,750 8,500
Medical Degree 50,000 37,500 30,000

PTPTN Process

  1. Once PTPTN has approved the loan application, the loan will be disbursed directly into the designated CIMB saving account.
  2. Generally, the first disbursement will be 1 (one) month after the approval of documents.
  3. Loan disbursement to students for the following semester will be made based on the following conditions:
    1. Still pursuing studies; and
    2. Passed the examination in the previous semester with a CGPA of 2.0 and above
  4. The disbursement may be delayed due to students undergoing internship or work placement.
  1. Students who received the PTPTN loan must hold the insurance coverage provided to protect the loan based on the study period and loan repayment period. The insurance will be deducted every semester when the loan is disbursed.
  2. Insurance company will be appointed by PTPTN.
  3. The premium paid for insurance coverage will be deducted before the loan amount is disbursed into the designated CIMB savings account.

The disbursement of loan will be suspended in a particular semester due to any of the following reasons:

  1. Poor academic performance
    1. Average semester results below 40%
    2. GPA below 2.0
  2. Deferment of studies
  1. The loan will be terminated if a student fails to continue in the programme of study as stipulated in the loan agreement.
  2. When the loan is terminated, student is required to repay the loan amount taken during the duration of study.
  3. A written appeal must be submitted to PTPTN if the student is unable to repay the loan amount taken during the duration of study.
  1. The loan can be cancelled if a student due to any of the following reasons:
    1. Withdrawal from the University
    2. Change of programme
  2. The student must complete the “Borang Pembatalan Perjanjian”, which is available on the PTPTN website.
  3. The student is required to repay the loan amount taken during the duration of study once the loan is cancelled.
  1. Application through myPTPTN by uploading supporting documents according to the checklist for each type of appeal application.
  2. Appeal dates are open all the time and processed every 15th of every month.
  1. Students can apply for the PTPTN Loan for their degree programme if it is a progression from diploma to degree programme, the application can be made within the next submission date.
  2. Students are required to begin their loan repayments 12 (twelve) months after the completion of studies.
  3. Interest is charged at 1% per annum on the total loan amount.
  4. Loans can be repaid via the myPTPTN or any PTPTN branch and counter, auto deduction using credit/debit card, or monthly deduction by the employer.
  5. Degree students who achieved First Class Honours may have their loan converted into full scholarship. Students will have to complete their studies within the 3 years study period. Extension of semester will not be eligible for the waiver or any payment from PTPTN. Submission to waive the loan into a scholarship has to be made within 12 months after the Graduation Ceremony. Students has to apply the waiver via the myPTPTN.
  1. Application through myPTPTN by uploading supporting documents.
  2. Students can re-upload documents that are insufficient for incomplete applications within 30 days after the review process by PTPTN.
  3. All copy of documents must be “certified true copy” by the Group Registrar of Sunway University.
  4. Criteria for the Exemption:
    1. Attended a full-time Bachelor's Degree;
    2. Obtained First-Class Honours in a Bachelor's Degree;
    3. Graduated within the stipulated period based on the PTPTN loan offer document;
    4. Submit application within 12 months from the date of convocation.
  5. Documents to be uploaded in myPTPTN:
    1. Certified copy of First-Class Honours Bachelor's Degree or equivalent.
    2. Certified copy of transcript of examination results.
    3. Certified copy of Accreditation Certificate from Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA).
    4. Confirmation letter for First-Class Honours (if it is not stated "First-Class" on borrower's degree).
    5. Graduation confirmation letter (if the date of graduation is not recorded on the degree/ transcript).
  1. Should you require further assistance from the University, please drop by the Registry office at Level 1 South Building and speak to the GCLU staff in charge.
Staff in Charge Contact Number Email Address
Ms. Chin Pek Yuen 03-7491 8622 (8123)
Mr. Haidi Othman 03-7491 8622 (8106)
Ms. Goh Bee Ying 03-7491 8622 (8173)
  1. You are also encouraged to go to PTPTN’s website at and myPTPTN application for regular updates and circulars.

Malaysian Community & Education Foundation (MCEF)


Malaysian Community & Education Foundation (the Foundation) was incorporated on the 17th September 1975 under the companies ACT of 1965, as a company limited by guarantee and without a share capital.

The primary objective of the Foundation is providing financial assistance to Malaysian Individual applicants who have either inadequate or no other means of financial support to pursue their education in recognized institution of higher learning.

The programme is intended to achieve a broad socio-economic objective and to maximize the spreads of beneficiaries. It is not designed to fully support the total cost of the education for any applicant.

Non-Medical/ Non-Dental Programme

  1. Must be a Malaysian Citizen and above 18 years old.
  2. Must be a full-time student.
  3. The course must be recognized by Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) and approved by Malaysian Qualification Agency (MQA).
  4. Financial assistance will not be considered for more than one member of the same family in the same year.
  5. Financial Assistance will only be considered for those pursuing first diploma/degree only. Postgraduate programme / student with a degree who wish to pursue another degree or second diploma will not be considered.
  6. A maximum sum of RM 20,000.00 per year can be considered for course fees and the maximum financial assistance to be considered shall not exceed RM 80,000.00 per student.
  1. Students from local Private Institutions are eligible to apply from second year onwards.
  2. Students must apply for PTPTN loan first and the proof of approval/rejection/non-eligibility must be made known to the Foundation.

(Application form must be attached with certified true copy supporting documents)

  1. Applicants who met the socio-economic criteria of the Foundation which consist of factors such as social upliftment of the individual/family; his/her family financial position and academic background; and
  2. Applicants who are pursuing either a first degree or diploma only at local institutions/universities recognized by the government, Professional bodies and / or the private sector.
  1. Financial assistance, to pursue course overseas, which are in fact easily available locally, will not be considered;
  2. Applications for financial assistance, to pursue courses overseas, which are in fact easily available locally, will not considered;
  3. Applicants who wish to do a second degree or post or post-graduate programme will not be considered;
  4. No loans will be granted to applicants pursuing any course of study which is not recognized by MOHE and MQA.
  • The applicant executing the Loan Agreement prepared by the Foundation’s lawyers, following the Awards Executive Committee’s approval.
  • To provide 3 guarantors who shall be Malaysian citizens and employed in Malaysia including a parent/guardian or a sibling. The other 2 guarantors must be below 50 years old and earning a minimum gross pay of RM 2,500.00 per month.
  • The cost of documentation including stamping fees must be borne by the applicant.
  • The tuition fee component of MCEF’s loan to you will not be paid to you or your parent(s). It will be paid by MCEF directly to the academic institution where you are a student, provided that MCEF receives a proper invoice from and certified by the institution and provided that your tuition fee remains due and owing to the institution prior to payment by MCEF. We will not reimburse or refund to you or any other person any monies for any payment made by you or any other person to the institution.
  1. All applications must be made in the prescribed from (available at the Foundation’s office) with the relevant supporting documents for consideration. An Incomplete application from will rejected.
  2. It is compulsory for applicants to attend an interview by the Foundation.
  3. The financial aid would have to be repaid by the applicant 3 months after completion of the said course.
  4. Every Loan Agreement & Guarantee and any other document requiring attestation by a witness shall be attested by a person(s) clearly identified, and who shall be either a Commission of Oath or an advocate and solicitor, the applicant’s parent or sibling is not recognized as a witness.
  5. The application form and supporting documents are non-returnable.

You are encouraged to email your inquiry to

Maybank Education Financing

  • Professional Accounting Programmes
  • Undergraduate Programmes
  • Postgraduate Progrmmes

Main Applicant

  • Malaysian citizen
  • Full-time students: 18 – 25 years old or
  • Part-time students: 18 – 35 years old
  • Existing/ prospective student in possession of an enrolment letter from Sunway University/ Sunway College (KL)

Joint Applicant

  • Co-applicant (if required), must be a Malaysian Citizen.
  • 21 – 65 years old (not exceeding 70 years at the end of financing tenure)
  • Immediate family member of applicant
  • Minimum monthly household income of RM5,000

Option 1: Unsecured Financing

Financing Amount

  • Min: RM10,000
  • Max: RM150,000


  • Up to 15 years or age 50 (whichever is earlier)

Competitive Interest/ Profit Rate

  • During Study Period: *BR/ IBR + 3.75% p.a.
  • After Study Period: *BR/ IBR + 4.25% p.a.


Option 2: Secured Financing 

Financing Amount

  • Min: RM10,000
  • Max: Up to value of course fees or MOA** security to be charged/ pledged


  • Property: Up to 20 years or age 70 (whichever is earlier)
  • Fixed Deposit/ Islamic Fixed Deposit/ General Investment Account (FD/ IFD-i/ GIA-i): Up to 20 years or age 70 (whichever is earlier)
  • ASB: Up to 30 years or age 70 (whichever is earlier)

Collateral Type/ Rates/ Margin of Financing

  • Property (up to additional 20% above the collateral value and is capped at RM400,000): *BR/ IBR + 1.60% p.a (secured portion) *BR/ IBR + 3.75% p.a (unsecured portion)
  • Fixed Deposit/ Islamic Fixed Deposit/ General Investment Account (FD/ IFD-i/ GIA-i) (up to additional 50% above the collateral value and is capped at RM200,000) *BR/ IBR + 2.00% p.a.
  • Amanah Saham Bumiputera (ASB) Unit (Up to 67% of the unit value) *BR/ IBR + 1.85% p.a. *Base Rate (BR)/ Islamic Base Rate (IBR) at 1.75% p.a. effective 9 July 2020. The Board Rate/ Indicative Profit Rate and/ or Bonus Interest/ Profit may be revised accordingly to reflect the changes of the Overnight Policy Rate (OPR) set by Bank Negara Malaysia. For latest rates, please refer to ** Margin of advance (MOA) is the percentage value of collateral used to determine the amount of a loan.

Step 1 Download and fill up the Maybank Education Financing/-i Application Form
Step 2 Attach Required Documents

  1. Copy of NRIC of main applicant & (where applicable) joint applicant(s)
  2. For prospective students
    • University admission/ enrolment letter
    • Copy of university course fees schedule by semester or year
  3. For existing students
    • Latest exam result
    • Copy of university course fees schedule by semester or year
  4. For secured financing applications
    • Copy of individual/ strata title or SPA
    • Copy of FDR/ IFD-i/ GIA-i certificate
    • ASB Statement

Step 3 Submit completed Form and Required Documents via email to

Mohd Anuar 03-20708833, ext: 2292
Mohd Zamil Zamri 03-20708833, ext: 3289


Yayasan ANGKASA Education Financing

Providing convertible loans to co-operative members, children of co-operative members that are pursuing full time, part time or distance learning bachelor’s degree, master and doctor of philosophy in Public or Private Higher Education Institutions in Malaysia

Bachelor’s degree, master or doctor of philosophy in the field of co-operative management, co-operative entrepreneurial management, finance management, science and technology, business management, investment management, accounting, law, engineering, biotechnology or related fields relevant to co-operative development.

Basic Criteria:

  1. Malaysian citizen;
  2. Co-operative member;
  3. Children of co-operative member;
  4. Received the offer to enrol full time/part time studies from public or private higher education institution.
  5. Maximum duration of studies is four (4) years (applies to full time mode only)
  6. The applicant does not receive financial support / sponsorship of any other sponsorship body.

Age Criteria:


Co-operative member

Children of co-operative member

Not more than 25 years old

Not more than 40 years old

Master Co-operative member Not more than 40 years old
PhD Co-operative member Not more than 40 years old

Academic Qualification:

  1. Degree
    • Diploma or matriculation with at least 3.00 CGPA; or
    • STPM or recognized with at least (B-) in General Studies subject and 2 other subjects; or
    • STAM or equivalent with at least (5) Jayyid-Jiddan from any subjects and with knowledge in the field of computing and English.
  2. Master
    • Degree with at least 3.00 GCPA
  3. PhD
    • Master with at least 3.00 CGPA
  • Applications can be made online through Yayasan ANGKASA official website at each year from 1st August until 31st October.
  • Candidates must buy a pin before submitting the application through JomPAY.
    Biller code : 86231
    Ref-1 : IC number
    Ref-2 : Phone number
  1. The loan offered by Yayasan ANGKASA is convertible into a full or partial scholarship depending on the following situations:
    • 100% scholarship: Obtain CGPA of 3.67-4.00 or First Class Honours
    • 60% scholarship: Obtain CGPA of 3.00-3.66 or Second Class Upper
    • 100% loan : Others
  2. The loan offered will not be charged any interest.
  3. Loan repayment must be made at the end of the month six months after graduation.

1 August until 31 October (every year)

Inquiries about the loan can be made by contacting:

Operations Department (Student Affairs) Yayasan ANGKASA
Phone: 03-78809358

Finance and Administration Department Yayasan ANGKASA
Phone: 03-78806358

Collection Department Yayasan ANGKASA
Phone: 03-78805358