Yap Qian Ling

“Growing up I am always an outgoing and athletic girl. Basketball has been a huge part of my life since young. I was introduced to this sport by my friend back when I was 12 years old and life has never been the same ever since...
“I started Rhythmic Gymnastics when I was 8 years old. However, there was a time that I thought about giving up on the sport when I was in Form 3. I lacked the confidence and worried about whether I am able to balance my sport and studies. Then came my coach who advised and convinced me not to quit as it will give me the experience and learning the meaning of sportsmanship as I grow up. So, her words allowed me to continue with the sport that I am passionate at. Moreover, we’ve always been working together through various competitions like Majlis Sukan Sekolah Selangor, Majlis Sukan Sekolah Malaysia, International tournaments in both local as well as overseas.
A few years ago, I’ve been recruited into the National team of Rhythmic Gymnastics as part of the group exercise member to prepare for the 29th SEA Games which was held in Singapore in year2015. There were always ups and downs in my Rhythmic Gymnastics pathway as the saying goes, ‘victory is paid for in sweat, courage, and preparation’. We took part in various tournaments and rigorous training camps as preparation and experiences before heading to the biggest tournament - the 29th SEA Games. As a result, I am proud to say that my teammates and I managed to grab a silver medal at the Games.
However, the real challenge that I had to face came after the SEA Games. I contracted a disease known as Alopecia which caused my hair to drop and can only be cured under constant treatment by steroids. This treatment eventually made me gain in weight and size all of a sudden. Thank God, I'm now fully recovered.
Back then, my parents encouraged me to apply for this Sports Scholarships and that was how #MySunwayStory began. The Sports Scholarship is not just about the fee deduction, but an award for all the hard work and efforts that I’ve put into my sport. My experiences in Sunway College has definitely been a great journey as the classes are filled with fun and dedicated lecturer. I am fortunate that Sunway has given me this opportunity to study in such a wonderful campus and enjoy the good facilities and environment.
One thing that I’ve learned through my illness is not to give up no matter how difficult the condition may be but to have faith in yourself and strive for any challenges in life. This allows me to become stronger again with the confidence in me. Now, I am appointed to be involved in an ASIAN championship event to help out in the prize giving ceremony and I hope I can continue to contribute to Sports arena and Sunway University. As the saying goes - “Being blissful is not a goal by itself. It is just a good condition to make life’s journey’ – Sadhguru "
Yap Qian Ling
Diploma in Professional Accounting
Sunway Sports Scholarship