As I am witnessing my final semester as a university student fleeting before my eyes, I spent a long time considering what I should and should not say in this story of mine. As the former President of Sunway Echo Media, apprehension arose within me that this composition would lack a poetic touch. As the current Vice President of the Sunway University Student Council (SUSC) and a recipient of the esteemed Chancellor Scholarship, I feared it might lack sophistication. In fact, it wasn't until I was tasked with writing for #MySunwayStory that the realisation struck me—it is indeed my last semester at Sunway. Until then, I had been mentally preparing for this day, busying myself with recounting the milestones I achieved, a diversion from the stark reality. But now, it has dawned upon me that I will not be here for the 'next,' and the same applies to many of us. Hence, I have finally settled on the message I wish to convey. And so, here it goes~
Ever since I was in high school, people would say in their speeches and essays that they’ve learned a lot and improved as an individual throughout their experiences in organisations but it always seemed too nebulous. It is merely an obligatory statement devoid of true significance. However, I would be remiss if I did not admit to feeling the same way now. Throughout my time at Sunway, I have matured as a leader, a follower, and as an individual. It is astonishing to believe that three years spent with strangers and soon-to-be close friends have transformed me to such an extent.
So, allow me to spare you the LinkedIn humble boasting as it fails to capture the essence of who I truly am. Instead, I wish to express my gratitude to the people I hold dear, the people within the Sunway community. I extend my heartfelt appreciation to the Sunway College Student Council for believing in me when I was a timid executive applying for the role of Community Service Director, reminding me to give others a chance too; To the Sunway Echo Media team, I express my gratitude for teaching me that while talent and passion make an excellent combination, one matters more than the other; I am indebted to the Sunway Cultural Exchange team for instilling in me the ability to connect with people and foster unity, regardless of the circumstances; My gratitude extends to the scholarship committee for imparting the valuable lesson that confidence does not equate to arrogance, and that it doesn't hurt to pat yourself on the back sometimes; Lastly, I would like to thank the Sunway University Student Council for accepting me, trusting me, and working alongside me. Together, we endeavoured to bridge the gap between the council and the students, teaching me that if you want something done right, you rely on your incredible team.
Working with talented people shifts your perspectives on things. Talented individuals are often driven by passion, and when one is truly passionate about something, they become fully absorbed in it. I have no regrets in this regard; it has been an exhilarating experience that has taught me the importance of finding joy even in formal settings; always reminding me that the best work stems from the most sincere of feelings; teaching me that most mistakes do not mean the end of the world, there can always be retakes. However, if I could turn back time, I would approach things slightly differently. I would prioritise having sufficient sleep and rest, invest more time in building relationships with those around me rather than burying myself in my laptop, pause to check on my team more frequently, decline tasks when overwhelmed, say yes to opportunities even if I felt inexperienced, and open up sooner because three years isn't as long as you think it is. I would realise that I, as an individual, and the organisations or positions I held are distinct entities, yet I am one with my team.
Hence, I can only hope that, in exchange for everything the souls within Sunway have taught me, I have succeeded in reminding just as many that appreciating those around you reaps greater rewards than quantitative success. The values of patience and kindness are not earned; they should be our guiding principles. Regardless of rank, respect should never be absent, and experience should never undermine humility.
Your worth as an individual and student cannot be measured by how many organisations you run and how well you run them. It does not hinge on the number of scholarships you secure, although such achievements may offer temporary satisfaction. I hope that by being part of this impressive community, you come to realise that the way you sincerely treat yourself and those around you holds more significance in the long run than the fleeting moments on stage as the Community Service Director of College Council, the President of Echo Media, the Vice President of University Council, the recipient of the Chancellor Scholarship, the Sunway-Lancaster Student Ambassador, or the Vice Chancellor Award recipient.
Fast forward three years, and here we are. I will miss the council meetings and the to-do lists, the late-night project planning, and above all, the people who have transformed Sunway into more than just a campus for me—far more than one would assume of me. This is dedicated to all of you who have contributed to shaping the person I see in the mirror today. Thank you for instilling in me an immense sense of pride in calling myself a #Sunwayian. If you have managed to read this far, I sincerely wish you the best. May you continue to teach and learn from one another, just as my batch and I have done. Together, let us strive to become the voice of our peers, of Sunway Students. Because if there's one thing we are: we are passionate, we are a class above.
Syarifah Nursyafiqah
The Chancellors Scholarship of Sunway University and Lancaster University