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A better world through education opportunity

A better world through education opportunity



A Life-Changing Opportunity

Sunway helps students to earn quality higher education degrees through the Sunway Scholarship Programme.

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A good education opens doors to a better life

Tan Sri Dr Jeffrey Cheah, AO, Founder and Trustee of Jeffrey Cheah Foundation, and Founder and Chairman of Sunway Group, firmly believes that a good education opens doors to a better life and that the opportunity for education should be equal.

It is with this in mind that the Jeffrey Cheah Foundation, which replaced the Sunway Education Trust Fund set up in 1997, was established in March 2010.

As of 2024, the Jeffrey Cheah Foundation has awarded more than RM745 million in Scholarships to thousands of deserving students in various fields of study.

Through the Jeffrey Cheah Foundation, Sunway University has continuously contributed scholarships and education funds to deserving students through the scholarships and awards.

Leong Chee Keong

Leong Chee Keong

Chow Shenn Kuan

Chow Shenn Kuan

Shireen Ali Fahed Qassem Abu Nejra

Shireen Ali Fahed Qassem Abu Nejra

Steven Chang Kah Chun

Steven Chang Kah Chun

Raenuga Indran

Raenuga Indran

Shamalan Rajesvaran

Shamalan Rajesvaran

Graeme Tan Jie

Graeme Tan Jie

Jeffrey Cheah Scholarships and Awards Ceremony 2019

Jeffrey Cheah Scholarships and Awards Ceremony 2019

establishes solid education collaborations


Zohrab Chong Aik Shuen
Zohrab Chong Aik Shuen

Embracing the philosophy that "work is worship and service is prayer," I find significance in the idea that work is a blessing, often accompanied by challenges and sacrifices. This encourages a life of service and contributing to the community for mutual betterment, going beyond personal success to mindful consideration of others. Sunway's 3 Ts - time, talent, and treasure - align with this concept, emphasising the importance of contributing to community improvement.

My journey of community service commenced in Alor Setar before my Sunway days, marked by active participation in charitable acts. In college and university, I focused on giving back to students through onboarding and tutorship. Post-graduation, my commitment extended to roles such as a children's class teacher, youth facilitator, self-improvement studies facilitator, and choir master. Notably, I served in various capacities in Sri Damansara, including a four-year term as the Residents Association President during the challenging pandemic period. We initiated donation drives, workshops, and township sporting events, fostering unity among the residents. We partnered with corporate sectors and individuals for this. Along the way, I too facilitated free workshops on PowerPoint skills to help upskill those in need too.  

I played a key role in organising fun sporting events in our township, designed to bring people from diverse backgrounds together. These events included badminton, futsal, and basketball. One unique initiative was the "Fun for All" badminton event, where pairings were randomly done on the day of the tournament. This inclusive approach allowed participants of any race and gender to team up, organised based on age groups. Concurrently, I am a volunteer in several mentorship programmes for undergraduates, including Sunway Mentoring serving as a mentor for future graduates.

Reflecting on my time in Sunway, a proud moment was being part of the inaugural Sunway Student Council in 1990, where I served as the first Sports Secretary. I organised the Inter-Programme Sports Carnival and the Sunway College Invitational Soccer Tournament, highlighting the unifying impact of sports. Expanding my involvement, I secured a grant from Monash's then Pro Vice Chancellor, officially registering the Sunway Club at Monash's Clayton campus. As the first President, my focus was on supporting transfer students and fostering a strong social network. I extended my commitment to community service at Monash, contributing to International Student Services and the Student Union, organising events like the Multi-Cultural Evening. These experiences helped refine my leadership skills and solidified my dedication to a balanced life of service and leadership.

Allow me to give thanks and a note of gratitude to Tan Sri Sir Jeffrey Cheah as his vision and noble intention of enabling as many to get the best affordable education meant that I reaped the benefits. His vision allowed me to pursue a double degree in the late '80s, shaping my life and my sister’s by experiencing education abroad. Today, Tan Sri continues to impact my family, with my son employed by a multinational company upon completing his Sunway degree and my daughter in her first year of undergraduate studies. In appreciation, I serve as a mentor to the alumni community in Sunway, sharing experiences, and contributing my time to the wider community too.

Through all these experiences, I reiterate that giving back is crucial, and it goes beyond just material contributions; it involves investing time, skills, effort, and compassion. Once again, the concept of Sunway's 3 Ts resonates here - time, talent, and treasure. If we contribute to the improvement of others and our community, the positive impact ripples, benefitting everyone. This cycle of enrichment and empowerment doesn't just stop with us; it extends to future generations, creating a continuous circle of life - one that fosters success and a better life for all.


Zohrab Chong Aik Shuen
Sunway-Monash Twinning Programme
(1990 - 1994)

Leong Chee Keong
Leong Chee Keong

I believe that each of us should have a higher purpose in life. In my case, that purpose is to give back to society in a meaningful and impactful way and to encourage others to do so as well. My personal motto is: I aspire to inspire before I expire.” 
-Tan Sri Dr Jeffrey Cheah-

As one of the recipients of Jeffrey Cheah Community Scholarship, I was rewarded with full scholarship for my Diploma and Degree programmes in Sunway University. Those words by Tan Sri Jeffrey had been an inspiration to me to give back to society. It cultivated a believe and conviction in me that giving back to the community is important. It is with the support from the Jeffrey Cheah Foundation that I was able to graduate and land myself a job in an MNC. 

Now, as an alumni scholar, I’m proud to be one of the monthly donors to Jeffrey Cheah Foundation and I try my very best to contribute my time by attending and joining Alumni / Scholarship events. I hope I can in anyway encourage the current Jeffrey Cheah Community Scholars to appreciate everything the foundation has provided and share my story and experiences to them during the gathering session. Apart from that, I also join the Sunway Mentoring Programme as a mentor to student who is graduating soon and entering the workforce. This is a very meaningful event to guide graduating Sunway students and a great opportunity to network with people. 

One of my highest achievements during my time in Sunway is to represent Jeffrey Cheah Foundation to give thank you speech to the foundation contributors and to present “Appreciation Memoir” to Tan Sri Dr Jeffrey Cheah during the Alumni Homecoming Dinner in 2017. 

The key giving experience which I’ve encountered is definitely the contribution from Jeffrey Cheah Foundation and it does impact my life by giving me the opportunity to complete my tertiary education in Sunway University and be part of the Sunway family. The foundation did encourage me to contribute to the society and I hope I can encourage others to do the same. 


Chow Shenn Kuan
Chow Shenn Kuan

Hailing from B40 family in Kamunting and becoming the first-generation college graduate; literacy on scholarships and universities is limited. Despite not applying for any needs-based scholarships due to the lack of exposure and the lack of parent/teacher/sibling guidance when it comes to studying in a college; I am thankful to:

  • Sunway College for awarding me the Sunway Special Scholarship, 
  • the Ministry of Education for awarding me the Perbadanan Tabung Pendidikan Tinggi Nasional Malaysia loan; and
  • Sunway University for awarding me the Jeffrey Cheah Continuing Scholarship 

which crafted my pathway into pursuing tertiary education. Later, I have been fortunate to have received the Khazanah scholarship to pursue my postgraduate studies in Education and International Development at University College London.

Going through all that, I would never want any other kid out there experiencing the lack of exposure or know-how in reaching their full potential. Ergo; I have pledged to support other underprivileged, underserved, and underrepresented students out there as I currently:

  • mentor low-income students to obtain full scholarships,
  • serve in the selection committee for scholarships abroad,
  • run a refugee organisation to award 18 refugee children into schools to change their lives, and
  • others.

As an alumna of the prestigious education institution like Sunway, I suppose my way of giving back is to propagate what I have learnt to the juniors; be it speaking at talks, panels, or workshops. And of course, having mentored 3 kids who have achieved in obtaining full need-based scholarships at Sunway itself (they are currently still studying in Sunway).

"Philosophers have hitherto only interpreted the world in various ways; the point is to change it" is a powerful quote by Karl Marx. It reminds me that we have a responsibility not just to interpret the world, but to actively work towards changing it for the better.


Shireen Ali Fahed Qassem Abu Nejra
Shireen Ali Fahed Qassem Abu Nejra

What is done in love is done well.” I have always kept these words by Vincent van Gogh close to me as I navigate life in university and eventually the adult world. Debate is a huge part of my life, and it has given me so much: life-long relationships, confidence in myself, a love for learning, and so on. Van Gogh’s words serve as a reminder not only for me to seek fulfilment in whatever I do; they remind me if there is someone else out there who might share the same love for something as I do, I have a duty to make sure they have an opportunity for it.

I've always been aware of privilege. I am extremely grateful to have the opportunities and platforms I've received, and I try my best to use my luck and privilege to help those who haven't been as lucky. Having some previous experience, I felt I had a responsibility to impart it onto the next generation of debaters who may not have had strong debating backgrounds, or strong public speaking confidence, or even a strong sense of community. I started out my debating career offering free online coaching to high school students during the pandemic. So, once I was in university, I took on the presidential role in Sunway Debate Club to fulfil a promise I had made: not to waste the passion and experience I have, and instead use it for others discover the same. I think all of us are not bounded by differences in talent or skill; the only thing separating us is opportunity. I have worked in Sunway Debate Club to make sure as many people in my community are not deprived of it. 

I have taught debate to a diverse group of secondary school students even prior to starting my life in Sunway University. I will never forget watching my students mature in the sport and as individuals. They always seem to find the time to thank me for the guidance I’ve offered as a mentor, and even though I am fully aware a lot of the progress they have made was due to my students’ own hard work, they serve as a reminder for me to continue giving to the community I hold on to so dearly, as it is the members of our community who will carry it on after us.

One of my personal highlights was when I came home as amongst the Top 10 speakers in Asia after the annual 2022 Asian Championships. It was a culmination of all the countless days and nights I have put into the sport and my club. The award only gave me the motivation to strive for higher and continue to contribute to our club members, as they were instrumental in giving me the platform in the first place. 

As sitting president of Sunway Debate Club, I dedicate my time to ensuring a fair and open space for our members to develop not just skills for debate on a competitive level, but to also develop the self-confidence needed to translate into real-world interactions. Above all, I have done my best to foster a strong sense of community in the club, where our members feel safe to talk about anything and everything, and to trust one another as equals. To do so, my wonderful team and I have successfully done multiple workshops, training series, and mini-events for our members. Furthermore, as tournaments can sometimes cost a high registration fee, I place focus on increasing our members’ accessibility to competitive opportunities as much as I can, whether it is through subsidizing the teams using the club’s funding, seeking sponsorships, or raising funds on our own. I can’t take all the credit and owe a great deal to my fellow club committee as well. Through our teamwork, I am proud to say we have built a strong community where our friendships triumph over any other competitive achievement we have brought home. 


Steven Soon Soo Onn
Steven Soon Soo Onn

“Growing up, I was the opposite of King Midas. Instead of making everything I touch turn into gold, they turn bad. I wasn't able to do anything right, neither in my studies, music nor sports. During my primary and secondary school years, I was slightly socially awkward. It makes it hard for me to make friends, resulting in me being bullied since I was 8 years old. It only got better after high school.

Everything began to change when I was 18. I found my passion in life. I knew I was made for the arts. I also knew I was taking risk, but I asked myself: "If not now, then when?" I was never a straight A’s student. I only scored 2As out of 10 subjects for SPM. But by God's grace, I did well throughout diploma, receiving the Valedictory and Best Student award.

While pursuing a degree in film-making, I found the beauty of being able to use this vessel to spread good to the world. My maturity in film-making has grown so much more. I now not only view the world differently, I also view films differently, which ultimately allows me to make films in a unique way. The Chancellors Scholarship gave me a golden opportunity to aim at something that I only dared to dream of just months before. 'Thank you' could never express my gratitude.

For all of you who are reading #MySunwayStory, if you're experiencing a season of self doubt, remember this... Greatness awaits. It sounds cliché but trust me, I'm not exaggerating. I caught a glimpse of greatness and I know, it's just the tip of the iceberg. I believe the same for you too. Hold on to your dream, resurrect it if you have to, but never give up on it. Dear fellow friends, don't lose your heart, because the sunrise is right at the edge of the horizon.”

Steven Soon Soo Onn
BA (Hons) Digital Film Production
The Chancellors Scholarship

Lee Yi Xian
Lee Yi Xian

“If you’re feeling aimless or you don’t know what you’re passionate about, IT’S OKAY, DON’T GIVE UP. Let me tell you a short and inspiring story.

22 years ago, there was an unhealthy baby girl born in Kuala Lumpur. To be better taken care of, her grandparents brought her to Ipoh and ever since then, she recognized Ipoh as her home. Her grandparents love her a lot, but restrictions were often rationalised as it was a normal practice in elderly people. Thus, she was not allowed to have as much freedom as her friends had. She felt suffocated and unfair. All she wanted was to have freedom just like her friends. The feeling of not being understood by anyone leaded her to favour her friends more than the grandparents whom raised her. Until one fine day, the best friend whom the girl favours broke her heart deeply.

With zero special talent and skill inherited, she doubted if she could even achieve anything in life. Everything seemed impossible. As the saying goes, “after you hit rock bottom, the only way left to go is up”. This has never been true until she understood her inner self. She realized she should start focusing on something that would make her life meaningful, but she did not know what was she passionate about. Thus, she decided to put full effort on studies.

Thankfully, hard work does pay off; her results improved from being the last few ranks in class to achieving a second place in the whole form. However, life was never a straight line. Even after putting all the effort, she did not manage to enroll into the Pre-university programme that she wanted. Instead, STPM, which she once said she'll never take it into consideration, was the only option left at that moment. Though, that didn’t stop her because she knows that it’s always okay to fail but it never okay to give up. She worked even harder hoping that she could be able to create her own future thereafter.

Today I’m proud to say, that was me; Lee Yi Xian.

I’m glad and thankful that I did not give up since the day I was born. The credits go to those difficult days that kept me strong going and this was where I wanted and am now. Truthfully, I am more than grateful to be given this opportunity to utilize #MySunwayStory as a platform to share my very own experience in life. I am sincerely thankful to receive Jeffrey Cheah Foundation Scholarship, it is definitely a reward of the past, motivation of the present and opportunity of the future to me. I hereby seize the opportunity to show gratitude for this scholarship by continuing to push myself beyond limit every day, to live my life to the fullest.

Nothing is easy but achieving is always possible.

Work hard, stay disciplined and be patient, your time will come.


Lee Yi Xian
BSc (Hons) Accounting & Finance
Jeffrey Cheah Foundation Scholarship

Sow Chuhan
Sow Chuhan

"Once upon a time, there was a fat and ugly girl who had a small tongue problem which made her unable to pronounce words clearly especially in English. One day she was called to read an English article in class. But due to her problem, her classmates could not really understand what she was talking, and so all of them laughed.

She held back her tears and pretended as though nothing had happened, even though it had hurt her deeply. From that moment on, she decided not to be involved in any public speaking events and always found excuses whenever it was her turn to speak, just to avoid the same situation. Even though her tongue problem had gradually improved as she grew up, but that experience had left an impact on her, as it became a shadow in her life.

Guess what? That was me, Sow Chuhan.

During my A levels, I set myself a target – 4A*’s, yet, I failed to secure an A* for the favourite subject of mine. Still, I had never thought of giving up in improving myself. I have been working harder and harder, aiming higher and higher in every flaw that I discovered. I am basically trying my best to achieve perfection if possible. To be able to improve my flaws in terms of English proficiency, I volunteered for a bunch of charitable events, met many kinds of people from many different backgrounds.

Through this, I get to understand how people work on their dreams and achieve their goals, regardless of academic field or career form. In order to apply for the Sunway Excellence Scholarship which is offered to very few students per year, I have been training harder in terms of English proficiency and fluency.

And yes, I successfully conquered all requirements. I am really thankful to be the chosen one, and so, I decided to be part of SSA as the President, which is a perfect platform to improve non-academic skills such as interpersonal skills, leadership skills and analytical skills. With these skills, my potential is unleashed to an even greater extent, becoming a greater leader.

Most Importantly, I am more than grateful to be given this golden opportunity to deliver an important message to each one of my fellow friends who read this through #MySunwayStory – Things that do not challenge you, would not change you. Do not escape from challenges, escape from your comfort zone. No one is born with limit!"

Sow Chuhan
BSc (Hons) Actuarial Studies
Sunway Excellence Scholarship

Ooi Chiew Ee
Ooi Chiew Ee

“Tragedy struck a little girl when she was 12 years old when her father had a sudden stroke. Till this day, he is still under medical and physical treatment. From that moment onwards, her mother was the only one who is financially responsible to take care of the family at home.

However, before the first wave recedes, a new wave rises. When she was 17 years old and pursuing her SPM in high school, another tragedy happened. This time, it was worse. Her mother had the same sudden stroke as her father but she was less fortunate. She passed away the next morning.

Yes, that little girl was me.

Besides the tears and sadness, I began #MySunwayStory with the help of the Jeffrey Cheah Foundation Community Scholarship. This is clearly the turning point of my life as I never thought that I will be given a chance to pursue my diploma in Sunway University with such good environment and people.

Before I got to know about the scholarship, there were many times I felt like giving up. But when I thought about my two younger sisters and my father, I had no choice but to be more confident and optimistic. So, I decided to apply for the scholarship. God bless everyone, I made it. With the help of the scholarship, I will put full effort into pursuing my studies, leaving no regrets in my life.

My words to all my fellow friends, if you are facing extreme hardship, do remember that miracles do exist. All you have to do is to go out there and create one, try the impossible until you succeed!”

Ooi Chiew Ee
Diploma in Business Administration
Jeffrey Cheah Foundation Community Scholarship

Yap Qian Ling
Yap Qian Ling

“I started Rhythmic Gymnastics when I was 8 years old. However, there was a time that I thought about giving up on the sport when I was in Form 3. I lacked the confidence and worried about whether I am able to balance my sport and studies. Then came my coach who advised and convinced me not to quit as it will give me the experience and learning the meaning of sportsmanship as I grow up. So, her words allowed me to continue with the sport that I am passionate at. Moreover, we’ve always been working together through various competitions like Majlis Sukan Sekolah Selangor, Majlis Sukan Sekolah Malaysia, International tournaments in both local as well as overseas.

A few years ago, I’ve been recruited into the National team of Rhythmic Gymnastics as part of the group exercise member to prepare for the 29th SEA Games which was held in Singapore in year2015. There were always ups and downs in my Rhythmic Gymnastics pathway as the saying goes, ‘victory is paid for in sweat, courage, and preparation’. We took part in various tournaments and rigorous training camps as preparation and experiences before heading to the biggest tournament - the 29th SEA Games. As a result, I am proud to say that my teammates and I managed to grab a silver medal at the Games.

However, the real challenge that I had to face came after the SEA Games. I contracted a disease known as Alopecia which caused my hair to drop and can only be cured under constant treatment by steroids. This treatment eventually made me gain in weight and size all of a sudden. Thank God, I'm now fully recovered.

Back then, my parents encouraged me to apply for this Sports Scholarships and that was how #MySunwayStory began. The Sports Scholarship is not just about the fee deduction, but an award for all the hard work and efforts that I’ve put into my sport. My experiences in Sunway College has definitely been a great journey as the classes are filled with fun and dedicated lecturer. I am fortunate that Sunway has given me this opportunity to study in such a wonderful campus and enjoy the good facilities and environment.

One thing that I’ve learned through my illness is not to give up no matter how difficult the condition may be but to have faith in yourself and strive for any challenges in life. This allows me to become stronger again with the confidence in me. Now, I am appointed to be involved in an ASIAN championship event to help out in the prize giving ceremony and I hope I can continue to contribute to Sports arena and Sunway University. As the saying goes - “Being blissful is not a goal by itself. It is just a good condition to make life’s journey’ – Sadhguru "

Yap Qian Ling
Diploma in Professional Accounting
Sunway Sports Scholarship

See Wenn Chyi
See Wenn Chyi

“Growing up I am always an outgoing and athletic girl. Basketball has been a huge part of my life since young. I was introduced to this sport by my friend back when I was 12 years old and life has never been the same ever since. I loved the game and I’m very grateful for the people I’ve met along the way. Basketball has taught me and shaped me into who I am today, by knowing the significance of having discipline and determination in whatever I do.

In sports, regardless of minor or major, injuries are inevitable especially when basketball is a high contact sport. Flashback to a few years ago while I was representing Kuala Lumpur in a national basketball championship, I suffered an injury which all basketballers fear the most during one of our most crucial game. Tears started rolling down from my eyes as I realized that I am unable to help my teammates to fight for our goal at his very crucial moment. I have torn my anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) which is a ligament in the knee that helps us with our knee’s stability. Suffering from this injury means that I have to cease playing basketball for approximately one year due to the slow recovery process after surgery. The recovery process was tough, I have to be really consistent in my rehabilitation in order to have a smooth recovery. I consulted the physiotherapist and went to the gym every day almost on a daily basis, and I gave myself no excuses.

When I was fit to play again, I returned to the sports battlefield and that’s when I joined Sunway. With the help of the Sunway Sports Scholarship, I began #MySunwayStory and I was given this opportunity to be part of #TeamSunway to represent the institution and have participated in various inter-campus competitions since then. I am proud to say that I have contributed two gold medals in both MAPCU Basketball and IPT Basketball competition. For that, I am truly grateful Sunway has granted me the Sunway Sports Scholarship and trusted me even when I doubted myself. Playing sports in such great environment in Sunway University at the same time enjoying memorable experiences definitely become a tiny checkpoint in my life.

The journey of my recovery has taught me to cherish every moment while I am still able to play my favourite sport. I have also learned to be patient and to persevere despite the setback I am facing and to trust the process.

As Jeremy Lin once said in his Instagram caption, “adversity forces us to reevaluate, adapt and improve.” It has definitely made me wiser and stronger as a person mentally and physically. Nothing grows in the comfort zone, so be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire, constantly improve yourself and learn through every mistakes and setback that go in your way and conquer them.”

See Wenn Chyi,
BSc (Hons) Business Studies
Sunway Sports Scholarship

Wan Nadzmi Fikri
Wan Nadzmi Fikri

“First impression is always the last impression. I still remember how amazed I was with the campus environment and facilities offered on the first day of my orientation.

I have actively been engaged in bowling for 10 years now. Being an athlete, I have never put studies second as I personally believe both sports and academic should go hand in hand. Having this thought in mind, I was then offered what other universities could not, Sunway Sports Scholarship, and that was when #MySunwayStory began.

I must say that Sunway takes care of their athletes very well and of which we are grateful for. Sunway Sports Scholarship has acted as a motivating pill for me to excel as a student and an athlete. Despite having tight schedule due to the tournaments, practices and all, my academic related matter has never gone to stake as the lecturers were just so understanding and efficient to furnish me with whatever I have unintentionally missed.

Sunway Sports Scholarship has definitely granted me with self-satisfaction where nothing is impossible to achieve. It is just the matter of time and effort. Without the aid of this scholarship, I was lacking of motivation until one day I understand the value and recognition being a Sunway student and athlete at the same time.

Thank you for everything, Tan Sri Dr Jeffrey Cheah. You are a remarkable individual whom has gone bold where no man has gone before and succeeded. “I aspire to inspire before I expire” is a quote that is now planted in me forever. Thank you once again.”

Wan Nadzmi Fikri
American Degree Transfer Program
Sunway Sports Scholarship

Shorolipi Emma Chaudhury
Shorolipi Emma Chaudhury

“This story reaches out to those who have so much more to offer than excellent academic achievements.

I must admit that I don’t come from a family background of extreme hardships, in fact my parents gave me everything to nurture a child that is both academically and aesthetically inclined. I came from what seemed like a comfortable upper middle-class family where my parents did their best to invest in things they nurtured me to be good at and thankfully, I grew to be very passionate about one particular interest: Music.

I grew up as just the average performing government school student. I always participated in music exams, competitions, events, the school choir and even external music events as it gave me happiness. I always believed my efforts in it would benefit me some day. Half-way through my pre-university studies, reality kicked in hard when my father had lost his balance of a stable income that further damaged my parents’ already rocky relationship. I completely stopped doing music at the time because I was emotionally affected. I was not doing well in my studies at that time, even failing one of my favorite subjects. Though this gave my mother a lot of anxiety and insecurity, she did her best at maintaining her stable job to give me the life she believed I deserved.

So, I told myself that the choice of my degree program has to be a place that could give me quality education, personal growth and most importantly some form of financial assistance to help my parents. I vowed to be resourceful, hardworking and grabbed every opportunity I found and it led me on to #MySunwayStory. After unexpectedly landing upon the Sunway Music Talent Scholarship, I challenged myself to become a better singer and expanded my abilities out of my comfort zone. Today, performing on stage has become second nature to me and I am proud to call the people in the #SunwayUniversityChoir my family as they helped me grow, become better as a performer and as a person. There are many other individuals that I appreciate sincerely such as singing gurus, music teachers, band members, mentors and friends that I owe so much for motivating me to go higher and further. The scholarship was not merely a financial reduction, it was a platform that opened many opportunities. Despite my father’s faults, I still have a lot to thank him for, because his influence is the reason why I love music today. My mother’s persistent love and support is the reason why I can stand where I am today. Though I believe I still have so much more I want to achieve in the music scene, I am grateful and happy at how far I’ve come. I am truly thankful for that.”

Shorolipi Emma Chaudhury
BSc(Hons) Psychology
Sunway Music Talent Scholarship

Tan Ing Yueh
Tan Ing Yueh

“As a student-athlete, the commitment needed for balancing both education and sport was the most difficult part. I realise that being a student-athlete proves to be harder than most people think it is.

On the surface, many have the impression that student-athletes seem to indulge in a lifestyle similar to the rich and famous. Everyone thinks that it is just an easy ride when you are an athlete and will get everything for free. In fact, these could not be as simple as you think. I have actively been engaged in Gymnastics for 15 years.

However, there was a time that I thought of giving up on the sport. When I was 13 years old, I was chosen to be part of the National Team in Bukit Jalil and required to enroll in a Sports School. Imagine a 13 years-old girl leaving her hometown to pursue her dream in another city without family by her side - isn’t that scary? I was clearly having hard time, being unable to focus on either sports or education. I felt like giving up as I was lost.

Luckily, my parents encouraged and convinced me not to give up after putting tones of effort in the sport. Thus, I started to realize that determination is the key of success. Sometimes, we need support and encouragement for us to figure out what went wrong, sometimes we just need to grit our teeth, pull ourselves up and move forward.

At the end of the day, life is hard for all of us, and there will be countless obstacles on what we want from life. So, “Set your goals high, and don’t stop till you get there.” – Bo Jackson. And so, #MySunwayStory began when I was offered Sunway Sports Scholarship.

I’m so grateful studying in Sunway as the lecturers here are able to understand my intense training schedule and competition leave. Having lecturers who understand my situation is very pleasant. My experiences in Sunway has definitely been a great journey as the environment is filled with fun and dedication. Therefore, I’m blessed to be given such a golden opportunity to study in such a wonderful campus, Sunway College.”

Tan Ing Yueh
Canadian International Matriculation Programme (CIMP)
Sunway Sports Scholarship

Eunice Foo
Eunice Foo

"Hello everyone, I’m Eunice Foo. I may be recognisable as Sunway’s Got Talent season one winner, maybe not. It was a great honour to win the competition. Many congratulatory wishes poured in, most of them along the lines of ‘You are so talented’ or ‘You are so lucky to have the gift of music’.

I do thank God every day for this beautiful gift. Most of you may have heard of this quote before – “Genius is 1% talent and 99% hard work”. Don’t get me wrong, I am not labelling myself as a genius, not even close to being one, but I do believe in the importance of hard work and perseverance. After all, extraordinary things are accomplished by ordinary people.

I grew up in a house filled with music. My mother loves oldies and classical repertoires while my sister practices her musical instruments diligently every day. Probably influenced by them, I started learning the piano and violin at the age of 5. I enjoyed it a lot as making music helps me relief stress and I love to entertain people with my music. Years of practicing brought me two diplomas with Distinction in Violin and Piano at the age of 12 and 14 respectively.

Travelling around the world performing with the National Youth Orchestra, performing as a Solo Violinist for the former US President Barack Obama and 20 other world leaders helped develop my self-confidence and self-esteem. While actively participating in musical activities, I managed to maintain my academic performance, all thanks to my mum’s endless reminders, which I truly appreciate.

Without her continuous advice, especially on time management skills, I will not be the person I am today. As I play table tennis since the age of 8, the years of intensive table tennis training did not go to waste as I emerged as the national champion twice. Apart from that, I am also a recipient of the BRANDS Smart Achiever Award 2017 and was selected to film a commercial for BRANDS regarding my passion and interest as a high-achieving student in both curricular & co-curricular activities.

Being awarded the ‘Anugerah Tunas Jaya Peringkat Kebangsaan” for two years has also taught me that hard work and dedication is crucial in achieving success.

That’s a brief snapshot of my life to share on #MySunwayStory. A friendly piece of advice to my fellow friends, “The greater the difficulty, the more the glory in overcoming it.” A satisfying life requires effort and action on your part. The choice is yours!"

Eunice Foo
GCE A-Level
Jeffrey Cheah Entrance Scholarship

Khoo Yin Lim
Khoo Yin Lim

“I was born in Penang but grew up in Sabah since I was ten months old. Sabah is best loved for her wildlife and nature. Although being comprised of lesser developments and infrastructure, I am glad that I could develop myself in a wonderful environment. Growing up in Sabah is the reason for my outgoing, strong and independent personality. I grew up as a person who loves to explore and learn new things.

I had a tough time when deciding on what area to pursue my further studies. I was stressed out when all my classmates had already decided on their future paths while mine was still on halt. Since I came from a family with average income, wise decisions had to be made. Fear, uncertainty and anxiety bugged me every single day until I found out I was eligible for Sunway’s scholarship which enables me to further my studies at both Sunway College and University as I was able to complete the Foundation in Arts and am now pursuing a degree in Psychology.

The joy I felt when receiving the scholarship confirmation letter was indescribable. I could not imagine how my life would be without the scholarship. It also taught me to contribute to the society and country in return of the kindness that I have received. It can be stressful to maintain scholarships’ requirements, but if you are passionate enough, your university and college experiences would be memorable!

Dear Sunway students, here’s #MySunwayStory. Challenge yourself to make your very own story a better one. I strongly encourage you to enjoy your university life. Take a proactive role, be brave, go out and explore! Break free from academic stress! You will be amazed by the new experiences that will enrich your lives. Be assured that when you do your best in everything you participate in, you will succeed. Kirstin Leigh once said: “You don’t have to live with whatever life throws to you – or whatever you have gotten yourself into…You can choose to Change Your Story!”

Khoo Yin Lim
BSc (Hons) Psychology
Jeffrey Cheah Continuing Scholarship

Ayu Dewanti Putri
Ayu Dewanti Putri

“I was born and raised in Indonesia to a family of four. We are really close to each other and no matter how busy we are, we will adjust to have a quality time together whether it is just a meal or simply watching movies. My family would always be there to support me during the ups and downs of my life, teach me to become a strong person and learn to cope with anxiety and depression as well as to prevent stress.

They also encourage me to be patient so I could handle most situations thereby giving me the motivation to become a hardworking person. Moreover, my parents are strict about education as it truly plays an important role in every individual’s life. No playing around is allowed in studies.

Acknowledging my dad who always works hard for the family day and night, no matter healthy or sick, he always does his best as he is the only source of income in our family. To show my gratitude to him, I have to become a successful person for my family.

Through the Jeffrey Cheah Entrance scholarship, I am on the right path towards my dream. I am also able to explore another side of the world which is Bandar Sunway, a nice, vibrant city and awesome Sunway University which has a great atmosphere to study, with whole range of facilities like the library, elevator, delicious campus food and a lot of room for studying.

Other than that, studying here has given me the opportunity to pursue an Australian degree of my choice through Victoria University in Sunway College.

To fellow Sunway students, please don’t ever give up, always remember that you can achieve anything you dream of, just give yourself a try!”

Ayu Dewanti Putri
Bachelor of Business (Victoria University)
Jeffrey Cheah Entrance Scholarship

Melissa Michelle Albert
Melissa Michelle Albert

I came from a middle range family. My parents tried to provide me with the necessities while I was in school up until now. We were doing fine until my mother got sick. One day, she just fainted and was rushed to the hospital. It was then we found out my mother was suffering from a brain tumour. She needed to undergo a surgery but refused to as it was costly and there was a chance she would not make it. For a year I took care of her and stayed home. I did not want to burden my parents, so I tried my best to find colleges with a full scholarship. It was harder than I thought as I was turned down more than once. Frankly, more than once would be an understatement. All the trouble I went through was proved fruitful when I got the Jeffrey Cheah Foundation Community Scholarship.

I am now in my last semester of studying Diploma in Hotel Management and I look forward to my future. All those hopes I’ve had of finishing my studies and becoming a lecturer can finally become a reality. Seeing my parents being so proud of me was my greatest accomplishment. This opportunity has helped me enlist in a great University with amazing facilities, such as the library - my favourite place - and I am able to join great clubs such as the Swimming Club and the Christian Society Club.

This is #MySunwayStory. I hope that I am enough to prove to other students out there that even with unexpected adversities coming my way, there is no reason to back down!

Melissa Michelle Albert
Diploma in Hotel Management
Jeffrey Cheah Foundation Community Scholarship

Graeme Tan Jie
Graeme Tan Jie

Picture a boy saying to his mom, "Ma, I'm going to the cafe to go research for scholarships", but instead ends up scrolling through Facebook. Well, I am that boy and this is how my application and approval for the Chancellors Scholarship flipped my life around.

On the plane ride here, I didn't know what Kuala Lumpur had waiting for me. I once helped my church produce one of its production projects when I was younger. Then, I realised that everyone wants to be a director or cinematographer, but no one wants to be a producer. Thus, I did my own research on production and I was very intrigued by it. I got involved in more projects. I've worked with many local celebrities and a few big brands in producing for events as well as videos. If you want to take a lesson from this story, take this; always be bold and strive for your passion. Don’t do something because everyone is doing it and always follow your passion.

Getting my scholarship application accepted has granted me the opportunity to learn in depth about digital film production. I used to be a "guerilla shooter", a production term for just shooting with no real structure, but being educated about this industry has opened my eyes and I can never watch films the same way again. "Why does this director shoot this scene this way?", "Why do they shoot the shoes first before anything else?", and most importantly "Could this be foreshadowing?", are the questions I ask myself nowadays when I'm watching a film.

In my first year here I can definitely say that I have experienced the full Sunway experience. I am grateful for this opportunity that I have been given. I'm Graeme Tan Jie and this is #MySunwayStory.

Graeme Tan Jie
BA (Hons) Digital Film Production
The Chancellors Scholarship of Sunway University & Lancaster University